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Add Motoring Conviction ⚠️

How Do I Add a Motoring Conviction?

Notion image

If you or any rider has received any motoring convictions, you will need to give us a quick call so we can get that updated on your policy for you. You can reach one of our friendly agents on: 0330 041 9412 📞

To keep your insurance up to date, you must notify us straight away about changes which may affect your cover. Failure to do so could invalidate your insurance and result in any claim not being paid ☂️

How Much Will it Cost Me? 🔎

Our standard fee for making a change to your policy is £40. Your premium may also increase, decrease or stay the same depending on the changes you are making 🧮

Additional Premium ⬆

If your insurer has determined that any changes you’ve made to your policy might increase the risk associated with your cover, this will likely result in a premium increase. The difference in premium would be required to be paid in order to maintain cover 🙂

Return Premium ⬇

If your insurer has determined that any changes you’ve made to you policy might lower the risk associated with your cover, this will likely result in a premium decrease. You would receive a refund for this difference or have your monthly instalments adjusted accordingly 🥳

Stagnant Premium ➡️

In some cases, your premium will remain the same and you would only be required to pay the admin fee 😌