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Cancellation Fees ❌

Information on cancellation costs and fees! 🧾

Within the First 14 Days: A £25 Broker Administrative Fee 📝

After 14 Days: £45 Plus the Cost of Your Coverage Until Cancellation 📆, plus a Pro-Rata Fee/Discount (if applied at the start). 🔄

Key Dates 📅

1. Policy Start Date 🚀

When your coverage began.

2. Cancellation Date 🛑

The day you say "Bye-bye!" to your policy.

Crunching the Numbers 🧮

3. Insurer Refund (Unused Cover) 💰

Kudos! You get some cash back for the time you didn't use the policy. 🔄 Halfway through? Expect around half back (please check the cancellation charge your insurer makes, this is set out in your policy documents).

We may not refund your premium, if you have made a claim, or if one has been made against you, during the period of insurance.

4. Broker Cancellation Fee 📝

We charge a small flat fee for cancellations. Like paying for an exit ticket! 🎟

5. Outstanding Balance on Policy 🔄

Got direct debits left? We'll settle those from the refund. This is just for this policy, not others you might have with us! 🙅‍♂️

6. Reclaimed Inception Discount ⚖

Got a discount when you started? We might need a bit back, depending on how long you stayed. Fair is fair! 🤷‍♀️

7. Commission/Add-ons Credit 🎁

  • Commission:

Paid extra commission? You might get some back! 🍭

  • Add-ons:

Additional coverages can be cancelled too.

If the add-on policy is cancelled after the first 14 days, no refund will be given except for Licence Defence Cover, where we’ll refund you for the time left on the policy 🕑 If you have made a claim during the cover period, or intend to make a claim, then you won’t receive any refund.

Total Refund Due Today 🥁

The final figure after all the math! Your refund or extra charge, straight-up! 🎯